Cas Es Nyuam Siab Ua Lua Its Like Starting All Over Again Nyuam Nyuam Siab Es Cia Li Mob Li Os

Stay Habitation


Quarantine. Since the beginning of 2020, we've been fighting an invisible virus that has taken so much of the loved ones in our lives. Yous are not alone when you mourn lost loved ones. Each solar day, when I open up my social media platforms and I see a "RIP," my heart breaks. This year has been an eye changing twelvemonth for so many of us and notwithstanding, nosotros haven't learned anything.  I have family members who piece of work in the health intendance fields and they're pleading with their apical heart felt cries to STAY AT Domicile. Hospital beds are filling up fast and when you lot walk in considering you cannot breathe, you won't be treated right away. Beds that are meant for other patients are being taken over by covid patients. It is a frightening time in the world.  I meet social platforms as you lot do and there are those who party like aught has changed. Each fourth dimension I am looking across my newsfeed, I am met with their photos of gatherings of more than 10 and enjoying social gatherings like no 1 is dying

Ua Siab Ntev Kuv Txiv


Ua siab ntev kuv txiv, thaum kuv tsis nkag siab yam koj hais rau kuv. Kuv yog koj tub, koj yog kuv txiv, tiam si, txhua yam koj hais tawm tej zaum kuv lub siab twb yuav tsis tau tag nrho. Thov koj tus ua txiv, tau taub tias kuv yeej xav ua kom koj zoo siab tshaj plaws, tiam si, vim kuv muaj kuv siab kuv ntsws, kuv yuam tsis tau tag nrho kom tau raws li koj siab nyiam.  Ua siab ntev kuv txiv, thaum kuv tsis nyiam yam koj nyiam mog. Kuv yog koj tub, koj yog kuv txiv, tiam si, wb nyias muaj nyias kev nyiam. Koj txoj kev hauv neej yog dab qhuas kab lig kev cai, ho kuv li yog mus raws lub suab nkauj. Txawm koj tsis pom yam kuv nyiam, thov koj tsis txhob thuam tias kuv ruam yuav tsis tau noj.  Ua siab ntev kuv txiv, thaum kuv loj hlob tsis xav tau yuav poj yuav sev. Vim kuv lub siab tsis tau pom tus kuv nyiam kuv hlub, ces kuv yuam tsis tau kuv lub cev lub siab mus hlub tus koj lub qhov muag pom zoo. Yog kuv yuav xais nws ua kuv tus tab zag, yuav yog wb txawj sib hlub, yog tsis txawj sib h

My New Life: Chapter ane


It'south raining today...outside of my window, I tin see the white lookout argue of my neighbor's and a squirrel is sitting there, dangling its tail, staring at me. I know winter is coming and and so does he. He'south preparing for the long winter and collecting what he needs; smart guy. Beyond the neighbor's house is the lush mount that a week ago was all dark-green and today is looking a mixture of crimson and orangish, a flush of beautiful colors announcing the inflow of Autumn and to prove its season is here, scattered on the dying grass are leaves from the trees, reminding me to let go.  This is my new life in a brand new place in a brand new world in a brand new state. I collection the 16 hours with my husband 1,000 miles across the land to a minor town called Williamsport, where it is known for lumber and a identify where neighbors yell out at you, "Holler if ya'll need me!" I am home. I often wonder why information technology took me this long to be here.  This new chapter of my life co

Tsis Nco Caum Koj


Los mloog kuv hais...los kawm ntawm kuv...los nyeem kuv lub neej... Nej puas paub yam dab tsi mob siab tshaj plaws? Nej puas paub yam dab tsi tua tau koj ua ntej kev mob kev nkeeg? Qhov ntawm yog kev tu siab, kev khuv xim...rau yus tus kheej, rau yus txoj kev txhaum. Thaum, kuv yeej muaj ib tug tab zag zoo tshaj plaws nrog kuv, muaj lub suab luag nrog luag tej, muaj ib txoj kev zoo siab zoo tshaj luag li. Tiam si, kuv lub qhov muag yuam ke deb heev. Kuv ntshaw kom lub neej zoo, ntshaw kom caum kom cuag luag tej, ntshaw kom kuv muaj ib yam li luag. Kuv rau siab mus khws, rau siab mus caum kom tau kuv tus npau suav. Txhua txhua hnub, txhua txhua hmo, kuv mus tshoo tuag nthi tom hauj lwm, kom tau ib pob nyiaj los ua kuv lub neej kom zoo.  Kuv niaj hnub niaj hmo mus khws, tsis nco qab tias muaj ib tug neeg tseeb ceeb tshaj plaws nyob ntawm kuv ib sab uas kuv muab feeb hlov cia yam nws tsis txawj ntshaw kuv lub xub ntiag, yam kuv tsis nco tias kuv cia nws yoo kuv txoj kev hlub. Ntev mus,

I Forgive You


When my mother lay on her deathbed, she said to me, "Forgive...fifty-fifty in the absence of an apology. You lot may wonder why I have always been a happy person despite then many people who look down on me. I am happy because I forgive. And and then should you." Today, I am outset a new chapter of in my book of life. It is a chapter that has been heavy because it is filled with hurt and lies...from others. I realized that no thing how far I may go in life, to the person who does not back up or love me, they will e'er come across me equally someone below them and detest me silently.  That is ok.  My journeying in my life is mine solitary. If they are to detest me silently, let them detest me silently. Because it does not prevent me from continuing to do all I can practice.  Nosotros often tread lightly on this bailiwick of forgiveness because nigh times it involves family members. Merely today I will tell yous that if you continue to hold on to the expectation of an apology, you will find that information technology will never come. When my mother pa

Puas Yog Kuv?


Thawg zaug kuv ntsib Paj Zaub, kuv lub siab hloov tag ib puas tsam yam. Txij li kuv nco tau, tsis tau pom ib tug poj niam yuav txawj los deev kuv siab li nws deev. Thaum nws luag ntxhi, kuv lub plaws yuav nres. Thaum nws hais lus, kuv saib ntsoov nws daim dis ncauj. Kuv vwm tag. Kuv xav xav paub...tus nws hlub puas yog kuv? Thaum Paj Zaub niam tso nws tseg, es nws quaj yam tu siab nrho hauv kuv xub ntiag, kuv lub ncauj hais tsis tau ib lo lus los pab nws daws kev chim. Kuv tsis tau paub dua tias thaum zoo li no yuav ua cas thiaj li yuav pab tau nws. Kuv sab npab los ua nws chaw and so siab thaum nws lub kua muag poob. Kuv xav xav paub...tus nws hlub puas yog kuv?  Thaum Paj Zaub tej phooj ywg tuaj nrog nws ua si ua ke, kuv saib tsis dhuav nws lub me ntsej muag. Thaum nws nrog kuv, nws yog nws ib tug. Tab si, thaum nws nrog lawv, nws txhawv lawm thiab. Kuv tau hnov nws lub suab luag ua rau kuv zoo siab tshaj plaws li. Ua txiv neej ces, xav hnov tus poj niam lub suab luag txhua lub

Seeing Beyond The Living


Lift off...the rush to the other side. Every bit soon as I am at that place, I tin feel a rush of at-home and I know I've succeeded. I know where I am. I know what I am dealing with. My guides are never far from me and they make me understand that I must fully embrace what is about to happen.  I get...the entity, a possessed, lost and angry spirit searching for a host to thrive on. I speak in slow, disturbed verses with inhuman audio and I reek of expiry.  I become...the savior, a pure unified beingness with a sword made from iron and a white horse with wings. I speak in ancient dialect with veiled magic and I am full of life.  I become...the lost, a broken, fragile misplaced soul searching for the footprints to render home. I speak of tears, of pain, of guilt and of hurt. I am empty.  Return...return abode, warrior. Ride the white horse, gather your sword and be invisible as you travel. Cross the threshold of life and don't let the dead claim what is rightfully not theirs.  This is

Cia Tso Tseg Txhij No


Lub ntuj lub qhov muag tsis pom tias kuv lub siab quaj txhua hmo. Txhij li hnub kuv los ua koj tus niam tsev, lub neej tsis zoo li siab xav. Muab xav los cas tsis tsim nyog qhov kuv tsis mloog kuv niam lus hais. Kuv xav tias vim koj yog txiv neej es koj ib leeg thiaj li hlub tau kuv xwb. Es kuv niam thiab kuv txiv hais los, kuv lag ntseg dim muag txhua yam. Tom qab kuv qhov muag pom ke, kuv mam paub tias koj lub siab tsis yog li kuv xav. Ces cia wb muab tso tseg txhij li no. Kuv yoo koj lub xwb ntiaj txhua hmo, tsis pom qab mus qhia leej twg. Kuv nrhiav txoj hauv kev twg los zoo li tsis muaj ib txoj kev yuav pab tau kom koj tig rov hlub kuv. Tej lus koj hais yam tag los dua twg lawm? Puas yog kuv muab nqos noj ua kev lwj siab xwb? Es koj nim nqa koj lub siab mus hlub kiag lwm tus kom kuv mob siab kom kuv khib. Kuv saib hauv iav, kuv tsis paub kuv yog leej twg. Tus neeg kuv pom zoo li ib tug tub sab los nyiag tau kuv  mus. Kuv cim tsis tau xyov tus neeg kuv niam kuv tx

Where Do We Become From Here?


I wished my children good night and descended downward the stairs to spend the evening doing inventory and invoices in my small jewelry business. Everything was normal. I was living a daily sheltered life with the joy of finally being able to provide for my family again. Although the Covid 19 was still going effectually me, I took caution and kept myself positive.  Then the death of George Floyd filled my newsfeed and I was heartbroken for the community. It took a price on all of u.s.. Images of protestors filled my newsfeed and I understood why it was happening. Years of beingness hurt past being different because of the color of my pare, of where I came from, of what I looked like, I understood that. I knew the pain. I lived in before and every bit far as I tin can remember, I wasn't e'er accepted because of how I looked.  And and then...images of burning buildings, pocket-size businesses being robbed and destroyed flooded my newsfeed and my middle broke. I can understand the pain backside wanting to protest wit

How Do I Allow Go?


Life works in many unlike means. Often times, we volition find that we will be very lonely and in that location isn't anyone who may sympathise who we are. That path is ofttimes visited too ofttimes by me and I detect that information technology gets exhausting. I am drained and my energy just goes out the door.           When my parents passed away, I thought to myself, how will I ever move on? How will I ever have the courage to walk tall and grinning? Laughter itself seemed similar information technology was a stranger to me. I didn't know how to office considering the two people who always took care of me were gone. It left within me a deep hole that I didn't know how to fill. And the bigger question was what practice I make full that hole with?           I remember waking up after losing my mother and thinking, she will never be here when I visit once again. I will never hear her voice. I will never get to hug her or touch her again. Life volition never be the aforementioned. I was able to live a little knowing my begetter was live. Then when he died, my worl

The Perfect Partner


Marriage…it ties a human being and a woman together til death do usa office. You lot find a dress, purchase a ring, and say sacred vows in front of hundreds of people, promising to love each other until the end of time. But time hasn't ended and your wedlock already has.           I've met a lot of people through the years where I knew them when they were married as a couple and and then I still know them every bit they become unmarried parents. Whether it was through a mutual understanding to dissever or i of them stepping out to have an affair…it hurts the aforementioned. The eyes never prevarication and the eyes tin't hold back the truth. Information technology hurts.           I will acknowledge this much…my husband and I were the cream of the crop when nosotros were dating. Everyone who knew us said nosotros were the "it" couple. We showered each other with love and we couldn't go enough of each other. Then we got married and everything was still the same.           Then nosotros had children. Things changed. I was exhausted. He was overworked. We didn't h



Permit'due south talk torso. Let's be real. I'm a thick woman. I'g a real woman. I'm a woman with curves and booty. I wear a size ten. I am not skinny. I am non fat. I am happy. Exit me alone.             Did you read and understand that? If you didn't, read it once more. My trunk is mine to accept and love. I love who I am and I am happy with what I run across. I honey my curves and I love my thighs that jiggle as I walk. I dearest who I am.             We grow up in a globe where being skinny is plastered all over social media that it is the mode you should exist. I know many people who have lost weight and then suddenly lost themselves in the process. It's lamentable, really, to encounter this happen. Lose weight for the right reason. Don't lose weight to belong. Lose weight for you non for another.             Honey who you lot are and take yourself. Don't let someone'south idea of perfection label you and elevate you into depression. Be aware of what you lot say when you are around others. Be aware of what you do w

Cheem Koj Lub Siab


Koj Niam,             Muab xav npau twg los xav tsis tawm. Kuv tsis paub tias kuv yuam ke qhov twg es thiaj li ua rau koj lub siab mus nrhiav dua lwm tus. Kuv nco, kuv tsis tau ua dab tsi txhaum. Kuv lub siab, kuv lub neej, muaj koj tib leeg xwb. Hauv kuv lub neej, koj thiaj li yog tus kuv ntshaw.             Kuv thov koj os koj niam. Thov koj cheem koj lub siab tsis txhob mus. Txawv tias luag yuav muaj nyiaj dua, luag yuav zoo nraug dua, los luag tsis yog koj cov me nyuam txiv. Luag tsis yog koj tus me txiv nraug txha noog. Luag pom koj zoo hnub no, tag kis luag yuav mus pom lwm tus.             Txhua txhua hnub, kuv nim los saib hauv iav seb kuv ua qhov twg tsis zoo. Seb kuv pauv tau kuv tus kheej li cas, seb kuv yuav hloov li cas es thiaj li tau kuv tus zoo niam tsev rov los hauv kuv xub ntiag. Tab si, kuv yim kho kuv tus kheej, koj yim txhav deb ntawm kuv.             Wb lam los nyob ua ib ke hauv ib lub tsev. Koj thiab kuv wb twb hais tsis muaj ob lo lus rau ib tug.

Tso Koj Mus


Koj Txiv,           Xav tsis txog tias yuav muaj ib hnub kuv yuav los zaum sau tsab ntawv tu koj moo. Nim xav, nim tu siab, vim wb zaj keeb kwm pib puag thaum ntxov los. Kuv rau rau siab sau los zoo li koj yim muab lwm tag. Kuv lub zog ntshe yuav tsis muaj ntxiv los kho kom wb zaj dab neeg muaj qhov xaus kom zoo. Ces cia kuv tso koj hnub no mus es kuv lub siab thiaj li txawj kaj.           Txij li hnub kuv los ua koj tus niam tsev, kuv lub zog kuv muab los tu koj tsev neeg, los tu koj, los tu tej me nyuam, kuv muab tag nrho yam tsis khuv xim ib qhov. Nraub hnub, hmo ntuj, ntuj teb tag hmo, txawv kuv sab thiab nkees npaum twg, los kuv ua tiag uv los tu kom sawv daws tau zoo. Kuv yoo kuv txoj kev zoo ntau xyoo ua rau koj lub qhov muag saib kuv tsis zoo nkauj. Koj thiaj li muaj lub siab mus deev lwm leej lwm tus.           Hnub no, kuv los saib kuv tus kheej haus iav, kuv cim tsis tau xyov nws yog leej twg. Kuv twb tsis paub kuv lub suab luag zoo li cas. Kuv nim los ua koj tus

Still Here I Am...Waiting


The walls seem to hum alive with the lies nosotros feed each other. No thing what time of day it is, I am never hungry because I feed myself full of your lies. Your emptiness kills me slowly and when I await in the mirror, I no longer recognize who I am. The woman I see is a stranger who happens to know me all too well. You've taken the proficient in me and you lot stole the light from me. Withal here I am still waiting.           The clock on the wall tells me that information technology'southward past due the time you were supposed to be habitation. The house is not a house, but a prison house that holds steel confined to go along me within. I accept lost my way and there are no footprints left for me to trace my style back dwelling. Friends and families I used to dearest become a faded memory of what used to be good. You've taken the youth in me and you stole the best of me. Yet here I am still waiting.           My closet tells me that nothing fits anymore because I no longer swallow. My trunk has get a waste material of life and when I look in the mirror I am

Hopes & Dreams


When I was a kid, I spent my days in the sun playing house and family with sticks and stones. I remembered I was always the mother considering I was the oldest amid the bunch and I liked being able to care for others. Every time my cousins and family came over, information technology was a time to kick off our shoes and trip the light fantastic toe in the sun as nosotros tried to take hold of up on lost fourth dimension. Information technology was the best babyhood memories growing up.             I think growing up, I had so much hope in wanting to be a star. I would sit and day dream about a handsome man who would whisk me away on a horse (yes! I was that crazy on fantasies) and take me away to a castle. I ever wondered why in every single one of my dreams, I always rode on a horse toward a castle. I often thought if I was born in the wrong era and was meant to be a queen in a time of Lords and Gods. Requite me a man in a kilt and sword with an accent and I'm gone. Seriously, take you seen Braveheart?             And then when I met my married man who

Black Promises


I can hear it. I tin can experience it. It's burning me. Information technology's meant to exist. It is meant to be. The world is not prophylactic for me anymore. I must go. I must exit. I must accept this path. The flowers are slowly dying, withering abroad their last petals onto the common cold frozen ground. It'south common cold, night and moisture as my exhausted feet brand the travel forth this red dirt path. I know where I'yard going and then I'm likewise lost. Everything is alive hither in this place. Information technology's magical and wretched at the aforementioned time. I love it and I detest it. I'm scared and I'one thousand free. Where am I?             The mankind hurts and it's beginning to take a class unlike my ain. I can see it move; life forms inside a life. I'm unable to control annihilation that happens. Equally much equally I want to scream, I larn my tongue has been ripped out. I'm a mute and my vision seems to play tricks on me. I meet things unnatural that smiling at me from backside trees. I encounter movements that move at the speed of a snail and and then at the speed of lightning. I can't determine

Wake Upward Your Soul


I wake up at my usual 5 am time to get my kids set up for school and my babe girl Wysteria kicks awake, not existence able to bear me being abroad from her. I alter her diaper and settle her downstairs in the living room before I wake up the older kids for school. My six year old Azalea wakes with a bloody nose and as I help her incorporate it, my 8 yr one-time Maximus wakes to wash upward while my ten year former Nathaniel lies in bed stretching.     The house is full of water running, toilet flushing and voices rambling on and on near who is taking too long and who isn't doing anything. The two boys finish and my daughter brings me a brush with a tissue up her olfactory organ to keep the claret from dripping. I ask her what she would similar me to do to her hair today. She shrugs and says she doesn't know. So I brush her hair and I'chiliad saddened that in a few years, she volition non demand me to do this for her. She volition be able to practice her own hair and non demand me. I quickly finish doing her hair and nosotros walk down th

1,000 Miles Aaprt


Information technology's been a calendar month now that my hubby started his new task in Wichita, Kansas. Aye, Kansas, nine hours away from where I am. It was a very long and hard decision between us both and in the stop, information technology was for the best. Sometimes an opportunity comes that doesn't wait long for you to jump on board. If you lot can't decide, it disappears and yous'll always wonder "what if."         Fifty-fifty though we had a life here in Minnesota, the south was calling our proper noun and the simple life was begging u.s. to render. The big city here was full of fun, friends and party that had u.s. out and about most times. And the simple life of family fourth dimension was telling united states of america that it was time to return to our roots. So without a moment'southward pause, we hopped on the railroad train.         Fifty-fifty though he'south in that location and I'm here with the kids, it feels as if we are both together. When he left, he took a part of me and he left a piece of him here. Every dark, we call each other and we talk and talk until 1 of us falls asleep. Hearing h

Dance To Your Own Rhythm


When I married, I faced the same lectures every other Hmong daughter did. "Be patient," "Wake upwards early," "Cook, clean and serve." The same thing was told to me as I'k sure y'all were told besides. I listened and just wondered where I went wrong as a daughter. I felt every bit if my wedding day was a day to cutting all ties with my family.         And so began the duty of being a Nyab. No more outings with friends, no more than nice dress, no more of annihilation that wasn't approved. Your life was now chained to the kitchen and to cook, make clean and serve…until expiry do you part.         Just I'm not a submissive woman. I'm non the type to submit to other'due south orders and rules of who I should be and succumb. I like dancing. I similar filming. I similar beingness out with friends. I like dressing nice. I'grand a woman with dreams and hopes. I'm human after all and I desire simply every bit others do.         So I trip the light fantastic toe to own rhythm. My music consists of me reaching for dreams that I want. My span is full of successes

The Price of a Miscarriage


Nov 8 th …I stared down at the double pinkish lines staring back at me and tears filled my eyes. Infant #seven was on its fashion to me and my married man. My heart fluttered with happiness and my hands immediately flew to my belly, cupping what would grow another precious life. I ran to the top of the stairs and shouted for my hubby to come upstairs. I immediately go back to wait in the bathroom and when he enters the room, I paw him the news and say, "Merry Christmas Daddy."             Cravings begin and I'g eating things I don't normally do. I break the news to the children who are so happy and then I break the news on social media. I tin can't wait to tell everyone that we're going to be parents once again. My heart is filled with love and I just can't hold information technology back.             And then…I beginning to spot. I'm pushing it dorsum, hoping it's nothing. It's dark, old blood, naught to worry nearly. I fix an appointment to ostend my pregnancy and they do an ultrasound. The tech says the atomic number 26


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