Saul Chuck Falling Over and Over Again Gif Saul Chuck Hitting Head Over and Over Again Gif

This post contains spoilers for the 3rd-season finale of Amend Phone call Saul.

It'south a rule as one-time every bit time, or at least equally one-time as soap operas: never, always, always believe that a graphic symbol is actually, nigh sincerely dead unless you see the torso. By that logic, it seems possible that Chuck McGill—who ended this year's Better Call Saul finale by spiraling out of recovery, and then dramatically surrounding himself with flammable objects and setting his own house on fire—could survive to run across Flavour iv. Saul testify-runner Peter Gould certainly seems to want audiences to think this could be a possibility; he wouldn't confirm Chuck's death either on AMC's Talking Saul later on-show or in a postmortem interview with Variety. "I don't want to define anything more what's on screen," he explained, before pointing out that his show does what it can to avoid "schmuck allurement"—i.e., "making it look like something really large happened to get people to keep watching, and then as before long equally they go on watching you take it off the table."

So once again, by that logic, it'd be impossible for the evidence to move forwards without definitively killing Chuck. (Unless he'south just very badly burned.) And though Gould may be reluctant to confirm the fallen lawyer's demise—he wouldn't do information technology in a Deadline interview, either—the role player who plays Chuck, Michael McKean, is not. As he told Vulture, McKean learned Chuck's fate while driving: "I got a call on my cell from Peter [and] Vince [Gilligan]. I said, 'If this is the death phone call, I'one thousand going to pull over.' And that's what I did. I pulled into the parking lot of the bookstore and I called them back and they told me what they had planned. They told me they had laughed virtually what I had said, but they had to deliver information technology."

And when asked by The New York Times whether Chuck is "definitely a goner," McKean replied bluntly: "I am. I know they desire to bring me in for some flashbacks this coming season, just that'southward kind of beside the bespeak."

So yes: after three seasons of scowling, scheming, and questionably verifiable electricity-induced psychosis, Chuck McGill—i of the most compellingly odious characters on television, Jimmy'southward brother and brunt and greatest antagonist—has died, in a specially horrible fashion.

Nighttime every bit it was, though, his decease was always something of an inevitability. Every bit McKean told Vulture, "It seemed similar this was kind of the terminate of Chuck'southward chapter in the life of Jimmy McGill-slash-Saul Goodman. It'southward almost like the rock and a hard place—they can't be too comfy together for as well long or else you lot have to ask, what is the indicate of having Chuck?" Now that Chuck is gone, Jimmy has 1 less ballast belongings him back from breaking bad himself—especially given his last conversation with his brother, a particularly nasty interaction in which Chuck expertly listed Jimmy'due south flaws ("Yous're only going to go on hurting people, it's what you practise") before sending him off with a peculiarly nasty prevarication: "I don't desire to hurt your feelings, simply the truth is you never meant all that much to me."

Yeesh. If you're eager for more of that, know, at least, that McKean will be back on Saul in some form when the show returns: "Nosotros're not washed with the character Chuck McGill. But on our show, that could mean a lot of things, because we take the ability to go dorsum and along in time," Gould told Diverseness. Which means Chuck volition alive to sneer once again in flashbacks—fire or no burn down.


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