Arcade Fire All the Time Weve Wasted Again and Again

all that time that nosotros wasted, if I could have it back, I'd dearest to waste it once more

I become through little phases where I love and so love less… the Arcade Fire's The Suburbs record.  Right now, it is back to friends on.  Friends way on.

Sometimes it just takes a lyric to get me to get interested in a song and I heard it listening to the Arcade Fire'southward championship track the other twenty-four hours on the radio.

"So can you sympathise?
Why I desire a daughter while I am still young
I wanna hold her hand
and show her some dazzler
earlier this damage is done."

Wow correct?

Listening to that song the other day while driving gave me goose bumps.  And its funny because I have listened to non only the record, only that song in item… infinity times… but just the other twenty-four hour period those lines jumped out of my speakers and into my head.

Arcade Fire – "The Suburbs"

I honey the entire concept of this anthology as a "letter from the the suburbs."  Having spent my determinative years trolling the streets of Coquitlam (a suburb of Vancouver) so many themes of the record hold elemental truths for me.  Like the ideas of the song "The Suburbs (continued).

"If I could take it back
All the time that we wasted
I'd simply waste information technology over again
If I could accept it back
Yous know I'd dear to waste information technology again
Waste it once more and again and again

I've got to ask
Sometimes I can't believe information technology
I'chiliad moving past the feeling again
Sometimes I tin't believe information technology
I'm moving past the feeling again
Sometimes I can't believe it…"


Some interesting and exciting news today.  An artist had to abolish at this year's Rifflandia Festival and then DJ Boitano and myself were asked to DJ.

We'll be operating every bit "Zone DJs Jeremy & Boitano" and you can find united states Fri, September 23rd on The Phillips Brewery Stage.  I practise believe the idea for the set will exist modern rock remixes.

We but got added today so that means our set is in a calendar week and half!  We'll be preparing a setlist this week and we're both pretty jazzed.  It should be a groovy party and I hope that if you're reading this blog, then that means you'll intendance enough to make the time to bring together u.s.a..

Go with yourself.


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